
Friday, June 1, 2012

Policy United Russia is going to Moderate Runet

The representatives of law enforcement agencies should be able to delete posts or block the profiles of Internet users who distribute calls for illegal actions, said the head of the Duma Subcommittee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications, member of the party "United Russia" Sergei Zheleznyak. 

Zheleznyak explained that the concept of unlawful acts included the distribution of child pornography, incitement to violence and nationalistic statements. Calls for meetings, as such, are not illegal acts, he said.

However, the deputy said separate appeals to the unauthorized and illegal rallies, distributed social networks. In this case, according to Zheleznyak, law enforcement agencies must apply to the administration of the resource with the requirement to remove the profile of this user. According to the MP, if management refuses to social networks, it should share the responsibility with the author of the message.

Explaining the need for issuance of law enforcement officers on the rights of moderating content Zheleznyak pointed to the specificity of the web, allows any information "fly away in seconds." "The Internet has great mobilizing force, including the destructive" - ​​said the deputy.

Zheleznyak drew attention to the fact that the Russian Constitution prohibits the display of censorship. But though the state regulates the Internet space in the security of users and prevent the spread of illegal content.

Subcommittee on Information Policy, Information and Communication Technologies in the present structure was established January 26, 2012. Sub-committee created by the culture in which Zheleznyak has served as deputy chairman. The MP is one of the sponsors of the amendments that prohibit alcohol advertising in the Internet media.


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