
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Have a question ? There is an answer

Frequently asked questions and answers. Administration responds to user questions regarding the site . We kindly ask all visitors to read this FAQ! reserve the right not to answer certain questions, and delete messages that violate the Rules. Then cite useful facts about they are also answers to frequently asked questions, or FAQ. 

When registering each user to communicate the basic rules of the site. Many of the same by registering, do not pay attention to it, break the rules and get upset when they get banned. Since the rules can be found here .

All news site

complete catalog of news are on the page last record , which also has RSS. It contains all the records of all blogs, not even checked, so if you have found a news site breaking the rules, do not bother to promptly inform the Authority.

Downloading files

Authors News pour files on servers, designed for storing and sharing files. We wrote to you how to download from popular sharing:   If any links do not work, write a comment on the news, the authors are obliged to respond to such messages. At the bottom of each block of options is a button " View a list of options "for ease of use download manager.

No matter how ridiculous, but many visitors do not understand how to go to the home page as the menu item is no "Home", and for this purpose in the input line edit address manually. To go to the home page, simply click on the logo to the site (in the upper left corner of any page).

Each user of the site is able to comment on the news, but not immediately, but some time after the registration. Time is given to the fact that the new user acquainted with the rules of the site and do not violate them.
Instructions for inserting images in a comment (show) To preview button can be used . 
 Search Site
Search by title by the news categories and tags, which should provide the best results. In addition, finding the right news to help label. Thus, to search for news in a particular category should be added to the search query category name.

Tags (tags)
Not everyone knows that the categorization of news, in addition to categories, tags are marked with the icon at the bottom of each news item. These tags - keywords, allowing to group news with similar themes, even if they are in different sections. For the convenience of users and creators of news there is a complete list of tags .

Personal Message
Each user can freely communicate with other users and creators of news without ever leaving the web site, thanks to the Personal Communications . They are arranged in such a way that each subscriber correspondence with framed single branch, and thus, all messages with each of the users are on the same page.

Reply to comment by
the bottom of each comment is a button " reply ", which allows you to respond to comments from other users. In this case the answers are expressed in the tree view. For a citation to highlight text in any part of the page and click the text citations and corresponding tag will be inserted automatically.

User profile (password, the color elements of the site, avatar, contact information)
All registered users in the profile can change the password, choose the color elements of the site, set avatar and provide contact information. To do this, go to the profile, click on the button next to your nickname and make necessary changes in the profile.

this Page Any site can add bookmarks to always have it "handy". To do this, at the bottom of each news item is knopochka , filled with the color selected in the profile, when you add news to your bookmarks. The entire list of available bookmarks to your "Favorites" in the user menu. To delete a bookmark from the need to press the button again (filling will be gone).

On the home page in each category in each blog site is RSS-Feed (RSS-feed), as described by the standard icon , which gives a brief description of the new information published on this site, and a link to its full version.

You can subscribe to blogs of individual authors. Thus, you can view only the news of those authors who consider the most worthy, and whose blog entries you find most interesting. For this is the item "Friends'" in the user menu. To add an author's Friends, you must visit his profile click on the familiar button .

Site Help
If you liked us and we have helped you, then you can help us. Does not mean financial help, there are many other ways and forms. You can add a link to a website or userbar in your signature on forums, carefully examine the advertisements on the site, tell friends about our Portal. Read more here .

Publishing News
Every registered user of the site some time after registration (not less than one day) 
can add entries to your blog. Read more here .


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