
Friday, August 31, 2012

Today, humans first heard the song from Mars

After starting the rover Curiosity developers NASA had great plans, one of which - to listen to a music track from the planet Mars. Today at 12:00 am Moscow time the event occurred: first rap song was sent to the red planet, and then listened to the "online" from Mars. author and performer of the song was chosen creator of Black Eyed Peas. Rover broadcast music track famous rapper Will-I-Ema called Reach for the Stars (the literal translation of "Reach for the stars"). Curiosity now can be called cosmic rap translator. During the broadcast of the song in the laboratory in addition to NASA Will-I-Em attended by students who have committed themselves to high technologies and science. Spoke to the students, Charles Bolden (head of NASA), with a speech about the new prospects offered mankind the rover Curiosity. Responsible for the education of students at NASA Leland Melvin suggested that today's students may be the first earthlings - guests Mars.


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