
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Steel Sony Vaio Vgn-NW11SR / S Best Laptop

Options: Intel Core 2 Duo T6500 at 2.1 GHz, 3 Giga
RAM 320 GB Hard Drive
Video Card ATI Radeon HD4570. DVD-RW, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
Webcam. There are HDMI. Windows Vista license.
good condition.
1 year warranty.

Laptop Sony Vaio VGN-NW11SR - this is one of
the most compact models in its
class. Its body is made ​​in
a stylish and attractive design with
smooth corners, soft lines and a
textured surface,
so that looks great and
its a pleasure to hold in their hands. Sony Vaio
VGN-NW11SR equipped with a widescreen (16:9),
15.5-inch screen with a proprietary
technology of «X-black», which
provides a display of bright and
clear images with natural
color reproduction. On this screen is very
convenient to watch HD-movies and work with
two windows open applications.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Technology News Sony & Panasonic Have Joined Forces To Develop A T.V

Japanese companies Sony and Panasonic will be engaged in joint development of OLED-panels. The companies plan to create a technology of mass production of OLED-panels in 2013, and thus pay billions in damages from the actions of foreign competitors. Prior to that, Sony and Panasonic have never worked together. OLED technology allows the TV's lower than the LCD, power and more high-definition images. OLED, is expected to become the dominant technology in the next generation of televisions.

Post a cooperative effort of two Japanese companies came amid reports that two South Korean giants, Samsung and LG, are collected separately in 2012 to release 55-inch (140-centimeter) OLED-TVs. The price of the TV from Samsung will be 9460 dollars. Interestingly, in the first half of 2010, Sony made a profit equal to approximately $ 650 million, and the first half of 2011 losses amounted to about $ 550 million loss on the basis of 2011-2012 fiscal year, according to the manufacturer, will be approximately $ 1.2 billion

Net loss Panasonic Corp for 12 months (by end-March 2012) totaled a record 772.2 billion yen ($ 9.7 billion), but the company plans in the new fiscal year to increase profitability by reducing costs and redundancies.

Iphone & The Ipad Tech News

In this book you will learn about the best applications for business and pleasure on the iPhone and the iPad - an application to extend the capabilities of the device, communicating with friends, ip-telephony, travel, reading and working with documents, and more. Each application is completed in a book qr-square, making it easier to find them in AppStore. Use your iPad and iPhone to the maximum! 
Each year, the boundaries between desktop computers and mobile devices are increasingly blurred - computers are getting smaller, and smart phones and tablets are becoming more functional. But how to use your iOS-unit at 100%? A significant role in expanding the capabilities of mobile devices is their ecosystem - a set of service offerings and applications.

Friday, June 15, 2012

File Exchanger Deposit files Settled The Case For Millions Of Dollars Tech News

While copyright holders are analyzed by Megaupload, another popular file sharing with them quietly agreed. DepositFiles laid out millions of dollars for the publisher Perfect 10 lawsuit brought against him. Publisher accused DepositFiles in facilitating mass copyright infringement and demanded at least $ 5 million in damages. As one of the largest file servers on the Internet DepositFiles visited by millions of users a day.  After closing the Megaupload file-exchanger was one of the best alternatives. In addition to the attention of new users, the site also interested in the MPAA, which described it as one of the main goals for the prosecution in the future.

But the magazine publisher Perfect 10 for adults already engaged in attacks on file-exchanger in a few months. In June last year, the publishing house filed a lawsuit on the company Kalmet Investments, a subsidiary of which is DepositFiles. Publisher DepositFiles described as a pirate site that sells access to large volumes of illegal material, not having the law and not paying a penny rightful owners of these materials. Publisher Perfect 10 also require millions of dollars in compensation for assisting in copyright infringement.

DepositFiles FileShare began to dispute the charges, and both sides are still trying to convince the court of California in the right. The court was even schedule hearings for a hearing, but, apparently, no longer hearing will not be.  Both sides came to an agreement that will be formalized shortly. So they asked the court to cancel all scheduled meetings.

"Plaintiff and Defendant Perfect 10 Kalmet Investments have settled their differences. The parties are preparing for the written agreement and are waiting for his signature in the near future. " "The parties are hoping that all the terms of the agreement will be executed no later than July 16, 2012. Therefore, the parties mutually request the court to cancel all scheduled meetings ... ". Details of the transaction is not disclosed, but it is possible that DepositFiles paid a certain sum of money to hush up the case.  Recall that the publisher Perfect 10 is no stranger to legal battles. In the period from 2005 to the present day publisher has filed a lawsuit against several large companies, which allegedly illegally used photos of Perfect 10.

Among them are Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Yandex (for the issuance of the search results), Giganews, Megaupload, RapidShare, DepositFiles (file hosting) and Mastercard, Visa and CCBill for operations to payments on websites that violate copyrights. Last month, a list of Perfect 10 added - Publishers filed a lawsuit against mikrobloggov platform Tumblr.

But not all court cases ended in victory for Perfect 10. In 2010, the publisher lost the case against RapidShare, when the court ruled that file sharing is not guilty of copyright infringement. However, while the percentage of wins per cent more injuries, Perfect 10 will again and again to call the offenders to court.

The List of Nominations Top-Level Domain Names Tech News

International Organization of ICANN published a list of applications for new top-level domain names, filed in the program to increase the number of zones used by the Internet. A list of suggested domain names in 1930 was published on the website ICANN. The fee for filing an application for registration of new domain was 185,000 dollars, while able to apply for any company or organization. According to Senior Vice President Kurt Pritz ICANN, its own band decided to record more than 500 companies. Applications filed in the domains, in particular, companies such as Google (100 proposals, including the. Google,. Android and. Lol), Apple (. Apple), Microsoft (. Microsoft,. Bing and others), Canon (. Canon) , Gucci (. gucci). At the same domain can be written not only in Latin but also in Cyrillic, Chinese, Japanese and Arabic.

From Russia to ICANN received eight nominations. Fund "Smart Internet" suggested domain. Children, the organization "Russian names" -. Russian (Cyrillic), Foundation for Promotion of technology and Internet infrastructure (FAITID) -. And Lee. Moscow, Regional Coordination Center Domain of the Republic of Tatarstan -. Tatar, the Fund "Skolkovo" -. skolkovo, "Yandex" -. yandex, NIS GLONASS - the zone of the upper level. gdn. In this last domain in the claims and the publication The Guardian. Deadline for submission is January 12 to June 30, 2012. The review process will take suggestions from 9 to 12 months.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

News Tech Apple Received A Patent For The Look Macbook

Apple has defended the patent exterior with ultra-thin laptop MacBook Air. The patent that Apple has received June 5, describes the appearance of a certain abstract "electronic device". Direct mention of the name of the device is not in the text, but the illustrations contained in the patent allows a high degree of probability to assume that we are talking about the MacBook Air.

The text of the patent the company focuses on the "wedge" shape, which has a laptop in the profile. Changing the thickness is one of the features of "MacBook" - it ranges from 17 to 3 millimeters. An application for a patent Apple filed almost a year ago, July 1, 2011. The patent will be valid for 14 years from the date of issuance and will give Apple the right to legal prosecution of some manufacturers ultrabukov - thin notebooks based on Windows.  "Wedge" shape of the profile are also ultrabuki HP Envy Spectre, Asus Zenbook and LG Z330. All of them came on the market later "MacBook" in its current form. Apple is already suing some companies because of the shape of devices - for example, she accuses Samsung of copying the look of the iPhone and tablet iPad.

Technology News New Internet IPV6 Addressing In Force

The largest sites, ISPs, hosting companies and network equipment vendors have completed the transition to a new version of Internet protocol IPv6, which allows the network instead of a much larger number of devices. Support for IPv6 include Google, Facebook, AT & T, Microsoft, YouTube, Yahoo, NASA, Sony, and hundreds of other companies. Forced to move to IPv6 standard is associated with a lack of IP-addresses - the unique number that is assigned to each device connecting to the Internet. Unlike IPv4, the address space of the new protocol is practically inexhaustible due to longer addresses (128 bits instead of 32 for IPv4). For example, IPv6 will allow every person on Earth approximately 300 million IP-addresses. The old protocol IPv4 "holds" only four billion devices - that is, less than one for every earthling.

Large-scale testing of a new protocol in the summer of last year had several major Internet companies. Because many network infrastructure providers and hosting companies has been very well prepared, "International Day for IPv6" remained unnoticed by most users. On the transition to IPv6 announced about 3 thousand companies. At the same time they do not have close access to their resources under the old protocol. As expected, IPv4 and IPv6 will continue to work together for several years. According to the forecast of Cisco (which also moved to new addresses), by 2016 the Internet will use the 3.4 billion people, or 45% of the population, and the volume of data transmitted through the network will grow to 1.3 zettabyte (a zettabyte is equivalent to a trillion gigabytes) .

Friday, June 8, 2012

Tech News Google Protects Users From Cyber Attacks By The Authorities

Google Inc. will warn users about possible attacks by hackers associated with the government. This was reported in the corporate blog, focusing on security on the web. If Google thinks that the authorities are trying to access an account, the owner will be notified and the offer to go to a page with tips on how you can protect yourself. Warning message, underlines the company does not necessarily mean that the account has been hacked. It will be shown in the case, if the user has become a target for attack, for example, using phishing or malware. 
Google advises the user that receives such a notification as soon as possible to establish a unique and complex password to the account and include two-factor authentication (in this case, the entry must have access to the phone). Another way to protect against attacks is to install the updates, browser, operating system and the editors of the documents noted in the blog of the corporation.

The Corporation has repeatedly shown concern for the safety of its users. In early 2010, e-mail service Gmail has started work on an encrypted connection (https), and the fall of 2011 moved to https and the home page search engine Google. At the same time, users can get information about the latest approach in their account, and view statistics of the corporation authorities of various states with certain requirements. 
According to the report of the international human rights organization "Reporters without Borders", Russia has got the list of countries where the Internet is under the supervision of the State - for broad dissemination of cyber attacks against several opposition news and Internet resources. Also, "Reporters Without Borders," drew attention to a series of arrests of Russian bloggers and users. At the same time human rights activists believe that the detentions were carried out in order to avoid discussion of the topics on the political situation in the country.

Technology The New Convertible Tablet Asus Will Run On Windows 8

Asus company shortly before the exhibition, the exhibition Computex, which opened in Taipei on June 5, presented a range of devices Transformer Book is running Windows 8. Transformer Book is a tablet that turns into a laptop through the keyboard. "Transformers" will be released in three versions: from 11.6 -, 13 - and 14-inch screens with a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels. The matrix displays are made on the technology IPS. The devices will be equipped with processors Ivy Bridge Core i7. In addition to the hard drive, "tablet laptop" will be staffed with SSD-drive. In Transformer Book will be four gigabytes of RAM DDR3. 

The devices will be equipped with USB 3.0 ports and two cameras. One of them is designed for video conversations, is located on the front of the tablet. The second will be placed on the rear panel, and its resolution is five megapixels. In addition to the "Transformers", Asus notebooks introduced Taichi, equipped with two screens. The screens are located on both sides of the lid, and one that "looks out" is a touchscreen. Thus, as in the case of the Transformer Book, the user receives the device "two-in-one": a laptop and tablet. 

It is known that the device will Taichi backlit keyboard. In the "touch" mode, you can manage them with the stylus. It is important that the screens can be used simultaneously, and show when they are a different picture. There are models Taichi with screens of 11.6, and 13.3 inches and a resolution of 1900 by 1280 pixels. The computer has an Ivy Bridge Core i7. RAM is four gigabytes. Laptops get USB 3.0 ports, and micro-DVI.

Asus did not name the price and terms of their devices on the market. Obviously, the Transformer Book and Taichi will be in stores after the operating system, Windows 8, which, according to unofficial data, held in autumn 2012. The Taiwanese company Asus produces the device, "Transformers" in 2011, but all the previous models using ARM processors and operating system Android.

Technology Laptop Very Light Toshiba Portege Z930

Toshiba has introduced, allegedly the lightest 13.3-inch ultrabuk in the world: a model of Portege Z930, made of magnesium alloy weighs 1.12 kg.

"Heart" of the computer - 22-nanometer processor Intel Core third generation. The amount of RAM up to 12 GB solid state drive capacity - up to 512 GB. 
Responsible for processing graphics integrated graphics core Intel HD 4000 c support for DirectX 11 API. The display has a resolution of 1366 × 768 pixels, there is an HDMI interface for an external monitor.

The equipment includes the Portege Z930-in stereo speakers, modules Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, 3G (optional), three-port USB (compliant with a 3.0), SD-card reader and backlit keyboard. Technology WiDi (Wireless Display) allows you to transfer an image from your laptop to the screen HDTV via a wireless connection.

Claimed battery life on one charge the battery up to 8 hours. Dimensions ultrabuka - 316 × 227 × 16-8 mm. In the sale Portege Z930 will go in the third quarter at a price of 1400 dollars.

Mobile Technology Phone From Haier

That can offer a well-known manufacturer of air conditioners, refrigerators, small appliances, as well as lesser-known tablet Haipad? Haier, trying not to lose sight of the mobile market, this week introduced the world to its first smartphone - Zing. Zing (from the Chinese "strong") to attract the attention of buyers who want to try a new operating system Aliyun from Alibaba for a modest price tag of $ 157. Alibaba in the past year touting Aliyun, but the major companies that have ventured to take her to develop, by this time has not yet happened. Few people would like to abandon the usual Windows Mobile or Android, after all, as usual, they usually bring a profit for the sellers. Why or why Aliyun Haier? Considering the Chinese mobile market, it is immediately obvious as a risky move. More recently, the Chinese search engine Baidu has released his phone on Android, the company has been successful with Xiaomi M1, but now the time has come, and the cooperation of Alibaba and Haier.

Standard filling of the phone include:

ü  Processor - 1 GHz from Mediatek
ü  RAM - 512 MB
ü  Screen Size - 4 in.
ü  The screen resolution - 480x800
ü  Front camera - 0.3 megapixel
ü  Rear Camera - 5 megapixel
ü  Built-in memory - 4 GB
ü  Battery capacity - 2000 mAh

That's what really surprises is the fact that the phone is waterproof, shockproof and resistant to dust particles. Such innovations only please potential buyers. The first deliveries will start the phone in mid-June.

Latest Technology Canon Announced the First SLR With A Touch Screen

Canon has introduced a camera Canon EOS 650D. This is the first SLR camera with a touch of the LCD screen. Rotary screen 650D has a diagonal of three inches. You can control the camera as with the buttons, as in previous models, and by clicking on the display. Touching the screen, you can specify the focus point and release the shutter the camera. The screen supports multi-touch gestures. Moving and pushing his fingers, the user can zoom the image, and gesture, "swipe" can flip through photos.

The camera has a 18-megapixel CMOS-matrix. Its physical size - 25.1 by 16.7 mm (APS-C). The range of sensitivity to the 650D is 100-12800 units on a scale of ISO, while the value can be increased to 25,600 units.

The camera uses a processor Digic 5. It allows the new "SLR" to shoot at speeds of up to five frames per second. In addition, 650D can shoot video in a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels (Full HD).

The camera implements a hybrid AF system: the phase and contrast. This feature provides a more precise focus, and allows you to use the 650D AF tracking in video.

Canon has also introduced a family of lenses with the STM "silent" AF motor. It includes two models: the "zoom" with a focal length of 18-135 millimeters (it will cost $ 550) and 40-millimeter "fix" for two hundred dollars. 
In the U.S., the camera goes on sale in late June. The price for a version without the lens will be 849.99 dollars. 650D with the standard lens will cost 949.99 dollars, and with the optics of STM - 1199 dollars. European prices for Canon camera has not been announced.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Policy United Russia is going to Moderate Runet

The representatives of law enforcement agencies should be able to delete posts or block the profiles of Internet users who distribute calls for illegal actions, said the head of the Duma Subcommittee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications, member of the party "United Russia" Sergei Zheleznyak. 

Zheleznyak explained that the concept of unlawful acts included the distribution of child pornography, incitement to violence and nationalistic statements. Calls for meetings, as such, are not illegal acts, he said.

However, the deputy said separate appeals to the unauthorized and illegal rallies, distributed social networks. In this case, according to Zheleznyak, law enforcement agencies must apply to the administration of the resource with the requirement to remove the profile of this user. According to the MP, if management refuses to social networks, it should share the responsibility with the author of the message.

Explaining the need for issuance of law enforcement officers on the rights of moderating content Zheleznyak pointed to the specificity of the web, allows any information "fly away in seconds." "The Internet has great mobilizing force, including the destructive" - ​​said the deputy.

Zheleznyak drew attention to the fact that the Russian Constitution prohibits the display of censorship. But though the state regulates the Internet space in the security of users and prevent the spread of illegal content.

Subcommittee on Information Policy, Information and Communication Technologies in the present structure was established January 26, 2012. Sub-committee created by the culture in which Zheleznyak has served as deputy chairman. The MP is one of the sponsors of the amendments that prohibit alcohol advertising in the Internet media.

Top Chinese Latest version of Windows 8 Leaked ahead of schedule

In the Internet there was an operating system of Windows 8 Release Preview - pre-release version of Windows 8, which is scheduled for the first week of June. It is reported that ranked in the Network Operating System is 64-bit build of Windows 8 Release Preview for Chinese users. It is distributed as a file. ISO through the Chinese forums and torrent trackers. File size is 3.34 GB.

Tested build users report that the installation was successful and the system is operational. However, the OS is only available in Chinese, which makes testing for users who do not speak the language. Judging by the screenshots of Windows 8 Release Preview, blogs are posted, and PC Beta Win8China, the system will provide users with new versions of some applications and Metro-new boot screen.

The operating system still in use translucent windows and other interface elements Aero, which Microsoft has promised to get rid of. However, the main developer of the OS Steven Sinofsky said that the final rejection of the Aero will only happen in the final version of "Eight."

If placed on the Internet distribution is indeed a new pre-release version of Windows 8, we can assume that his "leaked" to the network one of the Chinese partner Microsoft. Partners will receive new versions of earlier users.

Microsoft has officially released two preliminary versions of "Eight" - one for the developer in September 2011 and the second user at the end of February 2012. The third pre-release version will be released in early June.