
Friday, June 15, 2012

File Exchanger Deposit files Settled The Case For Millions Of Dollars Tech News

While copyright holders are analyzed by Megaupload, another popular file sharing with them quietly agreed. DepositFiles laid out millions of dollars for the publisher Perfect 10 lawsuit brought against him. Publisher accused DepositFiles in facilitating mass copyright infringement and demanded at least $ 5 million in damages. As one of the largest file servers on the Internet DepositFiles visited by millions of users a day.  After closing the Megaupload file-exchanger was one of the best alternatives. In addition to the attention of new users, the site also interested in the MPAA, which described it as one of the main goals for the prosecution in the future.

But the magazine publisher Perfect 10 for adults already engaged in attacks on file-exchanger in a few months. In June last year, the publishing house filed a lawsuit on the company Kalmet Investments, a subsidiary of which is DepositFiles. Publisher DepositFiles described as a pirate site that sells access to large volumes of illegal material, not having the law and not paying a penny rightful owners of these materials. Publisher Perfect 10 also require millions of dollars in compensation for assisting in copyright infringement.

DepositFiles FileShare began to dispute the charges, and both sides are still trying to convince the court of California in the right. The court was even schedule hearings for a hearing, but, apparently, no longer hearing will not be.  Both sides came to an agreement that will be formalized shortly. So they asked the court to cancel all scheduled meetings.

"Plaintiff and Defendant Perfect 10 Kalmet Investments have settled their differences. The parties are preparing for the written agreement and are waiting for his signature in the near future. " "The parties are hoping that all the terms of the agreement will be executed no later than July 16, 2012. Therefore, the parties mutually request the court to cancel all scheduled meetings ... ". Details of the transaction is not disclosed, but it is possible that DepositFiles paid a certain sum of money to hush up the case.  Recall that the publisher Perfect 10 is no stranger to legal battles. In the period from 2005 to the present day publisher has filed a lawsuit against several large companies, which allegedly illegally used photos of Perfect 10.

Among them are Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Yandex (for the issuance of the search results), Giganews, Megaupload, RapidShare, DepositFiles (file hosting) and Mastercard, Visa and CCBill for operations to payments on websites that violate copyrights. Last month, a list of Perfect 10 added - Publishers filed a lawsuit against mikrobloggov platform Tumblr.

But not all court cases ended in victory for Perfect 10. In 2010, the publisher lost the case against RapidShare, when the court ruled that file sharing is not guilty of copyright infringement. However, while the percentage of wins per cent more injuries, Perfect 10 will again and again to call the offenders to court.


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